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现任77779193永利集团教授,博士研究生指导教师. 2003年研究生毕业于武汉大学数学系基础数学专业,获理学博士学位. 自参加工作以来,曾先后于武汉重型机床厂职工大学,湖北经济学院(原湖北省计划管理干部学院)从事教学科研工作, 2001年5月至今在华中师范大学数学系、77779193永利集团工作。工作期间曾作为访问学者、访问教授、高级访问学者先后访问美国斯克兰顿大学(University of Scranton)数学系(2007.8-2008.8;2013.12-2014.02), 新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)数学系(2011.8-2011.11), 香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)数学系(2015.11-2015.12),美国肯特州立大学(Kent State University)数学系(2018.10-2018.11);先后应邀访问韩国KIAS, KAIST,西江大学(Sogang University)、梨花女子大学(Ewha Womans University)、浦项工科大学(POSTECH)、美国俄亥俄大学(Ohio University)参加国际会议,并做邀请报告;合作主办两次中韩编码理论及相关领域国际学术会议(2013.08, 武汉;2015.1, 浦项). 主持和参与国家自然科学基金多项,973子项目1项。目前已在相关研究领域发表研究论文60余篇. 合作编写、编著教材、著作4部. ----------------------------- 通信地址: 430079 湖北武汉 77779193永利集团 ------------------------------ Contact Information Professor Hongwei LIU School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, 430079 CHINA
2000年9月—2003年7月, 武汉大学数学系,博士研究生, 获理学博士学位. 1998年9月—2000年7月,武汉大学数学系,硕士研究生, 获理学硕士学位. 1988年9月—1992年7月,湖北大学数学系,本科,获理学学士学位. ----------------------------- 2004年2月—2004年6月,四川外语学院,英语培训. 2007年3月—2007年7月,北京语言大学,英语培训.
一、主要工作经历 2001年5月—至今,华中师范大学. 1995年5月—2001年5月,湖北经济学院. 1992年7月—1995年5月,武汉重型机床厂职工大学. 二、主要学术交流活动 被邀请参加国内代数、编码方面的重要学术会议并做报告。同时多次被邀请赴美国、新加坡、韩国访问,并做学术报告。 合作组织召开第一届“中韩编码理论及相关领域国际学术会议”(2013.08, 武汉,华中师范大学)”及第二届“中韩 编码理论及相关领域国际学术会议"(2015.01.18---01.23,浦项工科大学,韩国). 20. 2023年8月18日-2023年8月19日, ICIAM2023-Satellite meeting, International Conference on Coding Theory and Its Applications, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Plenary Speaker; https://ksiam.org/Conference/ConferenceView.asp?AC=2&CODE=NA20230102&CpPage=#CONF. 19. 2022年7月6日-2022年7月8日, The Eighth Korea-Sino International Conference on Coding Theory and Related Topics (online & offline), Ewha Institute of Mathematical Sciences (EIMS) & Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, Member of Advisory Committe. 18. 2021年7月4日-2021年7月7日, The Seventh Sino-Korea International Conference on Coding Theory and Related Topics (online & offline), Northwest University, Xi'an, China, Chinese co-organizer. 17. 2019年6月9日-2019年6月14日, The 8th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM 2019), invited speaker (45 minutes),Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University. 16. 2018年10月18日-2018年11月17日, 美国肯特州立大学(Kent State University, USA),高级访问学者. 15. 2018年10月29日-2018年10月31日,美国俄亥俄大学(Ohio University, USA),访问并作邀请报告. 14. 2018年5月19日-2018年5月25日,香港科技大学,访问教授. 13. 2018年7月2日-2018年7月6日, The 5th Sino-Korea International Conference on Coding Theory and Its Related Topics,Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, Scientific Committee Member. Conference website: http://math.shu.edu.cn/2018sino-koreacoding/ 12. 2017年7月17日-2017年7月21日,The 4th Sino-Korea International Conference on Coding Theory and Related Topics,NIMS, Daejeon, Korea, Chinese co-organizer(with Professor Rongquan Feng) and speaker.会议网址:https://camp.nims.re.kr/activities/eventpages/?id=207812&action=overview 11. 2016年1月12日-2016年1月15日,International Workshop on Number Theory and Coding Theory, KAIST, invited speaker, Pusan, Korea. 10. 2015年11月22日-2015年12月12日, 香港科技大学, 访问教授. 9. 2015年1月18日-2015年1月23日, The Second Korea-Sino International Conference on Coding Theory and Related Topics,POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, Chinese organizer and speaker. 8. 2014年8月10日-2014年8月13日,Ewha Womans University, ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Algebraic Coding Theory, Seoul, Korea, invited speaker. 7. 2013年12月18日-2014年2月28日, University of Scranton (USA), 访问教授. 6. 2012年11月11日-2012年11月18日, 2012 KIAS International Conference on Coding Theory and Applications,KIAS, Seoul, Korea, invited speaker. 5. 2012年11月13日, Sogang Univeristy, Seoul, Korea. 4. 2011年8月-2011年11月,Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), 访问教授. 3. 2007年8月—2008年8月,University of Scranton (USA),访问学者. 2. 2013.8.19-8.24 合作组织召开(韩国组织者:Professor Hyun Kwang Kim (POSTECH)):中韩编码理论及相关领域国际学术会议,中国武汉. 会议网址:http://conf.ccnu.edu.cn/~lhw/ 1. 2015.01.18-01.23 合作组织召开(韩国组织者:Professor Hyun Kwang Kim (POSTECH)):第二届中韩编码理论及相关领域国际学术会议, 韩国浦项 (浦项工科大学). 会议网址:http://math.postech.ac.kr/new/conferences/view/292 三、学术兼职 2011年10月---今: 美国《数学评论》评论员.
一、发表的论文 69. H. Liu, S. Liu, A class of constacyclic codes are generalized Reed-Solomon codes, Des. Codes Cryptogr., published online, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-023-01294-6. 68. H. Liu, X. Pan, Generalized $b$-Symbol weights of linear codes and $b$-symbol MDS codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 69(4), 2311-2323, 2023. 67. X. Wang, C. Ding, H. Liu, D. Zheng, MDS constacyclic codes of length $q+1$ over $GF(q)$, Cryptography and Communications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12095-022-0062, 2023. 66. B. Chen, S. Ling, H. Liu, Hulls of Reed-Solomon codes via algebraic geometry codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 69(2), 1005-1014, 2023. 65. B. Chen, H. Liu, New bounds on the code size of symbol-pair codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 69(2), 941-950, 2023. 64. Y. Li, H. Liu, Cyclic constant dimension subspace codes via the sum of Sidon spaces, Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol. 91,1193-1207, 2023. 63. Y. Fu, H. Liu, Galois self-dual extended duadic constacyclic codes, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 346, 113167, 2023. 62. J. Ouyang, H. Liu, X. Wang, Several classes of p‑ary linear codes with few weights, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Vol. 34(4), 691-751, 2023. 61. H. Liu, X. Pan, Generalized pair weights of linear codes and linear isomorphisms preserving pair weights, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.68(1), 105-117, 2022. 60. K. Lebed, H. Liu, Some new constructions of MDS self-dual codes over finite fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.77, 101934, 2022. 59. H. Liu J. Liu, On $\sigma$-self-orthogonal constacyclic codes over $F_{p^m} + uF_{p^m}$, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Vol. 16(3),643-665, 2022. 58. Y. Fu, H. Liu, Galois self-orthogonal constacyclic codes over finite fields,Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol. 90(10), 2703–2733, 2022. 57. H. Q. Dinh, X. Wang, H. Liu, W.Yamaka, Hamming distances of constacyclic codes of length $3p^s$ and optimal codes with respect to the Griesmer and Singleton bounds, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.70, 101794, 2021. 56. H. Liu, S. Liu, Construction of MDS twisted Reed–Solomon codes and LCD MDS codes, Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol.89, 2051-2065, 2021. 55. H. Liu, J. Liu, Non-invertible-element constacyclic codes over finite PIRs, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.75, 101878, 2021. 54. H. Dinh, X. Wang, H. Liu, S.Sriboonchitta,On the $b$-distance of repeated-root constacyclic codes of prime power lengths,Discrete Mathematics, Vol.343, 111780, 2020. 53. G. Zhang, H. Liu, Constructions of optimal codes with hierarchical locality,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.66, 7333-7340, 2020. 52. H. Liu, J. Ouyang, X. Wang, Constructions of several classes of linear codes with a few weights, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.343, 112108, 2020. 51. X. Fang, K, Lebed, H. Liu, J, Luo, New MDS self-dual codes over finite fields of odd characteristic, Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol. 88,1127–1138, 2020. 50. A. Cherchem, A. Jamous, H. Liu, Y. Maouche, Some new results on dimension and Bose distance for various classes of BCH codes, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.65, 101673, 2020. 49. H. Liu, J. Liu, Homogeneous metric and matrix product codes over finite commutative principal ideal rings, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.64, 101666, 2020. 48. H. Liu, X. Pan, Galois hulls of linear codes over finite fields, Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol.88, 241-255, 2020. 47. H.Q. Dinh, X. Wang, H. Liu, S. Sriboonchitta, On the $b$-distance of repeated-root constacyclic codes of prime power lengths, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343, 2020. 46. K. Lebed, H. Liu, J. Luo, Construction of MDS self-dual codes over finite fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.59, 199-207, 2019. 45. H. Liu, Y. Maouche, Two or few-weight trace codes over $F_{q}+uF_{q}$, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.65, 2696-2703, 2019. 44. H. Liu,Y. Maouche, Several new classes of linear codes with few weights,Cryptography and Communications, Vol.11, 137-146, 2019. 43. H.Q. Dinh, X. Wang, H. Liu, S. Sriboonchitta, On the symbol-pair distances of repeated-root constacyclic codes of length $2p^s$, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.342, 3062-3078, 2019. 42. X. Wang, D. Zheng, H. Liu, Several classes of linear codes and their weight distributions, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Vol. 30, 75-92, 2019. 41. B. Chen, H. Liu, Constructions of cyclic constant dimension codes, Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol. 86, 1267-1279, 2018. 40. H. Liu, X.Wang, D. Zheng, On the weight distributions of a class of cyclic codes, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 341, 759-771, 2018. 39. B. Chen, H. Liu, New constructions of MDS codes with complementary duals, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 64(8), 5776-5782, 2018. 38. B. Chen, L. Lin, H. Liu, Constacyclic symbol-pair codes: lower bounds and optimal constructions, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 63(12), 7661-7666, 2017. 37. H. Liu,Y. Maouche, Some repetaed-root of constacyclic codes over Galois rings, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 63(10), 6247-6255, 2017. 36. H. Dinh, H. Liu, X. Liu,J. Sriboonchitta, On structure and distances of some classes of repeated-root constacyclic codes over Galois rings, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol. 43, 86-105, 2017. 35. B. Chen, L. Lin,S. Ling, H. Liu, G. Zhang, Three new classes of optimal frequency-hopping sequence sets, Des. Codes Cryptogr.,Vol.83,219-232, 2017. 34. S. T. Dougherty, H. Liu, L. Yu, One weight $Z_2Z_4$-additive codes,Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Vol.27, 123-138, 2016. 33. B. Chen, H.Dinh, H. Liu, L. Wang, Constacyclic codes of length $2p^s$ over $F_{p^m}+uF_{p^m}$, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol. 37, 108-130, 2016. 32. L. Yu, H. Liu, The weight distribution of a family of $p$-ary cyclic codes, Des. Codes Cryptogr.,Vol.78, 731-745, 2016. 31. L. Yu, H. Liu, A class of $p$-ary cyclic codes and their weight enumerators, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Vol.10(2), 437-457, 2016. 30. L. Yu, H. Liu, D. Zheng, On more bent functions from Dillon exponents, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Vol.26, 389-408, 2015. 29. B. Chen, H. Q. Dinh, H. Liu, Repeated-root constacyclic codes of length $2l^m p^n$ and their duals, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol. 33, 137-159, 2015. 28. B. Chen, H. Liu, G. Zhang, A class of minimal cyclic codes over finite fields, Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol. 74, 285–300, 2015. 27. L. Lin, H. Liu, B. Chen, Existence conditions for self-orthogonal negacyclic codes over Finite Fields, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Vol. 9, 1-7, 2015. 26. D. Zheng, X. Wang, L. Yu, H. Liu, The weight enumerators of several classes of $p$-ary cyclic codes, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 338, 1264-1276, 2015. 25. L. Lin, B. Chen, H. Liu, A note on the weight distribution of some cyclic codes, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol. 35, 78-85, 2015. 24. B. Chen, H. Q. Dinh, H. Liu, Repeated-root constacyclic codes of length $\ell p^s$ and their duals, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.177, 60-70, 2014. 23. Y. Fan, S. Ling, H. Liu, Homogeneous weights of matrix product codes over finite principal ideal rings, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol. 29, 247-267, 2014. 22. B. Chen, H. Liu, G. Zhang, Some minimal cyclic codes over finite fields, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 331, 142-150, 2014. 21. Y. Fan, S. Ling, H. Liu, Matrix product codes over finite commutative Frobenius rings, Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol. 71(2), 201–227, 2014. 20. G. Zhang, H. Liu, Self-dual permutation codes over formal power series rings and finite principal ideal rings, Acta Mathematica Scientia (Series B), Vol. 33(6), 1695-1710, 2013. 19. S. Jitman, S. Ling, H. Liu, X. Xie, Abelian codes in principal ideal group algebras, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 59(5), 3046-3058, 2013. 18. B. Chen, L. Lin, H. Liu, Matrix product codes with Rosenbloom-Tsfasman metric, Acta Mathematica Scientia (Series B), Vol. 33(3), 687-700, 2013. 17. Y. Choie, S. T. Dougherty, H. Liu, Jacobi forms and Hilbert-Siegel modular forms over totally real fields and self-dual codes over polynomial rings $Z_2m[x]/g(x)$, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 107, 141-160, 2012. 16. B. Chen, Y. Fan, L. Lin, H. Liu, Constacyclic Codes over Finite Fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol. 18, 1217-1231, 2012. 15. S. T. Dougherty, S. Han, H. Liu, Higher weights for codes over rings, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Vol.22(2),113-135, 2011. 14.S. T. Dougherty,H. Liu, Cyclic codes over formal power series rings, Acta Mathematica Scientia (English version), Vol.31B(1), 331-343, 2011. 13. S. T. Dougherty, H. Liu, Y. H. Park, Lifted codes over finite chain rings, Mathematical Journal of Okayama University, Vol.53, 39-53, 2011. 12. H. Liu, Linear codes over finite chain rings, Ars Combiantoria,Vol.95, 511-529, 2010. 11. S. T. Dougherty, J.-L. Kim, H. Liu, Constructions of self-dual codes over finite commutative chain rings, Int. J. Information and Coding Theory, Vol. 1(2), 171-190, 2010. 10. Y. Fan, H. Liu, Homogeneous weights over finite rings and Mobius function (in Chinese),Chinese Annals of Mathematics (Chinese version)(数学年刊), Vol.31A(3),355-364, 2010. 9. S. T. Dougherty, J.-L. Kim, H. Kulosman,H. Liu, Self-dual codes over commutative Frobenius rings, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol.16(1), 14-26, 2010. 8. S. T. Dougherty,H. Liu, Type II codes over finite rings, Science China (Mathematics), Vol.53(1), 203-212,2010. 7. S. T. Dougherty,H. Liu, Independence of vectors in codes over rings, Des. Codes Cryptogr., Vol. 51(1), 55-68,2009. 6. H. Liu,Generalized Hamming weights and semi-linear equivalence of codes (in Chinese),Acta Mathematica Scientia (Chinese version), Vol. 26(5),766-772, 2006. 5. Y. Fan, H. Liu, On self-orthogonal integral table algebra codes (in Chinese), Advance in Mathematics (China)(数学进展), Vol.33 (4), 467-470, 2004. 4. Y. Fan, H. Liu, L. Puig, Generalized Hamming weights and equivalences of codes, Science in China (Series A), Vol. 46(5), 690-695, 2003. 3. Y. Fan, H. Liu, Generalized Hamming equiweight linear codes (in Chinese), Chinese Journal of Electronics(电子学报),Vol. 31(10), 1591-1593, 2003. 2. H. Liu, F. Yi, On the Hamming hierarchies of outer product codes, Mathematica Applicata (应用数学), Vol. 15(4), 128-133, 2002. 1. Y. Fan, H. Liu, Equidistant linear codes and maximal projective codes (in Chinese), Journal of China Institute of Communications (通信学报), Vol. 22 (6), 48-52, 2001. --------------------------------------------------------------- 70. Y. Fan, S. Ling, H. Liu, J. Shen, C. Xing, Cumulative Distance Enumerators of Random Codes and their Thresholds; http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5679. 71. H. Liu, Y. Maouche, A Note on Hamming distance of constacyclic codes of length $p^s$ over $F_{p^m} + uF_{p^m}$, submitted. 72. Y. Li, H. Liu, S. Mesnager,New constructions of constant dimension subspace codes with large sizes, submitted. 73. B. Chen, Y. Fu, H. Liu, Improved upper bounds on the number of non-zero weights of cyclic codes, submitted. 74. Y. Fu, H. Liu, Two classes of LCD BCH codes over finite fields, submitted. 75. G. Wang, S. Liu, H. Liu, New constructions of optimal binary LCD codes, submitted. 76. H. Liu, Z. Yu, Linear codes from simplicial complexes over $F_{2^n}$, submitted. 77. J. Liu, H. Liu, Galois hulls of a kind of Goppa codes with applications to EAQECCs, submitted. 二、参与编著、编写的著作和教材以及教研论文 1. 樊恽,刘宏伟,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,线性代数与解析几何教程(上册),北京:科学出版社,2009年8月第1版. 2. 樊恽,刘宏伟,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,线性代数与解析几何教程(下册),北京:科学出版社,2009年8月第1版. 3. 樊恽,刘宏伟,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,抽象代数,北京:科学出版社,2008年6月第1版. 4. 樊恽,刘宏伟,群与组合编码,武汉:武汉大学出版社,2002年10月第1版. -------------------------------------------------- 1. 刘宏伟,陈刚, 群中由子集定义的关系,大学数学, Vol. 30(4), 48-50, 2014. 2. 刘宏伟,陈刚,关于矩阵秩的几点注记,大学数学,Vol. 29(3), 84-87, 2013. 3. 刘宏伟,代数课程教学改革的一些探索,数学理论与应用,Vol. 25(4), 87-89, 2005.
1. 线性码的广义pair重量、Galois对偶及相关问题研究,国家自然科学基金,2023.1---2026.12, 主持人. 2. 几类码的结构和距离及其应用研究,国家自然科学基金,2019.1---2022.12, 主持人. 3. 中韩编码理论及相关领域国际学术会议, 国家自然科学基金(双边学术会议),2013.8---2013.12, 主持人. 4. 有限环、群环上的编码和相关算法研究,国家自然科学基金,2012.1---2015.12,主持人. 5. 有限环上的线性码及相关度量问题,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2010.1---2011.12,主持人. 6. 有限群,块与特征标的正规与Galois结构的几个问题,国家自然科学基金,2006.1---2008.12,主要成员(樊恽教授主持). 7. 有限群表示中的对称与对偶的几个问题,国家自然科学基金,2009.1---2011.12,主要成员(樊恽教授主持). -------------------------------- 8. 湖北省教育厅世界著名科学家来鄂讲座计划, 2011.1---2011.12, 项目申报人. 9. 有限Frobenius环上线性码结构的研究, 教育部聘请外国文教专家重点项目, 2009.6 ---2010. 6, 项目申报人. ------------------------------------- (最后更新日期(yyyy/mm/dd):2023-08-22)