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A Framework for Statistical Inference Via Randomized Algorithms

发布时间:2024-06-28 作者:77779193永利集团 浏览次数:
Speaker: 张志翔 DateTime: 2024年6月29日(周六)上午10:30-11:30
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Place: 六号楼6401
Abstract:Randomized algorithms, such as randomized sketching or projections, are a promising approach to ease the computational burden in analyzing large datasets. However, randomized algorithms also produce non-deterministic outputs, leading to the problem of evaluating their accuracy. In this paper, we develop a statistical inference framework for quantifying the uncertainty of the outputs of randomized algorithms. We develop appropriate statistical methods— sub-randomization, multi-run plug-in and multi-run aggregation inference—by using multiple runs of the same randomized algorithm, or by estimating the unknown parameters of the limiting distribution. As an example, we develop methods for statistical inference for least squares parameters via random sketching using matrices with i.i.d. entries, or uniform partial orthogonal matrices. For this, we characterize the limiting distribution of estimators obtained via sketch-and-solve as well as partial sketching methods. The analysis of i.i...